
IELTS Reading band scores

Your IELTS Reading scores are calculated by the number of correct answers you have out of 40 questions in the test. You get one mark for each correct answer in the IELTS Reading test. The total correct answers will determine your 'raw' score from which your band score will be determined. It's very important to try and answer every question as a blank answer will get no marks.

Your IELTS Reading band score contributes to your overall IELTS band score.

IELTS Reading Band Scores

The IELTS Reading test contains 40 questions. Each correct answer is awarded 1 mark. Scores out of 40 are converted to the IELTS 9-band scale. Scores are reported in whole and half bands.

The IELTS Academic and General Training Reading tests are graded on the same scale. The Academic Reading test may contain texts which feature more difficult vocabulary or greater complexity of style. It is usual that a greater number of questions must be answered correctly on a General Training Reading test to secure a given band score.

Here are the average number of marks scored at different levels of the IELTS scale in Academic Reading, and General Training Reading sections. The precise number of marks needed to achieve these band scores will vary slightly from test version to test version.

Marks out of 40


  • Band Score 5: Reading 15

  • Band Score 6: Reading 23

  • Band Score 7: Reading 30

  • Band Score 8: Reading 35

General Training

  • Band Score 4: Reading 15

  • Band Score 5: Reading 23

  • Band Score 6: Reading 30

  • Band Score 7: Reading 35

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Band scores

Reading band scores